Fox! NCmon Jewell is my name here. I put monica but there were already many taking this name. So I combined my chinese and english names.
Before I reached that section of appearance, i already mustered how to fly, hover and take objects.
I changed my appearance of the avatar. I made her skirt spoof, make heels and edit the skin color.
But I love the teleporting. I went to butterfly island which is all pink. The outside garden is so beautiful.
On butterfly island in the main buildingDoes the character resemble myself?
1) It kind of does, because I love animals. This was the only avatar of animal so I chose it. I have experimented with the clothing, shoes and eye color.
I drove a jeep on Orientation island. It went too slow for normal driving. I would like a fast race car if I could afford it! flying is more exciting.
2) I would like to be a brave explorer and that is what I am doing here. Genderwise it is the same, female. I like to dress with unusual wear. These boots are cool. Although I look mild on the outside, I actually like doing new and exciting things.
I took some hellfire clothes. They were free, so I took the bundle and put it on.
I tried to create things on the lawn, but the notice said ‘owner does not allow it’. A structure gold wire came out. I realize that people can earn money by lying by the pool. When I logged out to stop the comp lagging, I was sitting by the pool.I hope to earn more money by making objects. That is the primary objective I usually aim for when I game. Money is the resource, just like in reality. You need it for basic clothes and food etc.
Problems I faced
I am a gamer but I think Secondlife is hard to navigate. Today I could not see the usual big map.
I did not know how to read the map and could not find my way around. That is why I took a long time to go around Orientation and finish the exercise. The menus are too wordy. I noticed my friends were only stuck editing their appearance. Perhaps these features can be modified?
I found it so tedious to read everything before I could proceed.
I think the cooler features are making things (yet to succeed in doing), building, flying and teleporting. Secondlife is not really a game. Games are exciting and much easier to do. Instead I think it is a simulation of real places. Malls, fields, casinoes, discos are where humans hang out.
In the next mission, I will talk about why secondlife is not a game.